Hall of Witnesses
A place of honor on the campus of Southern Nazarene University
…to recognize those elders and laity who have invested their lives to Christian service.
…to build endowed resources for educating and supporting future generations of Christian servants.
We invite churches, family members, colleagues and boards to partner with Southern Nazarene University in establishing a place of honor for the great cloud of witnesses, living or deceased, who have carried the light of the Gospel around the world. The names of those honored will be placed in The Hall of Witnesses, located in the S.T. Ludwig Religion building on the campus of Southern Nazarene University. These gifts of honor will support the endowment funding ministerial intern scholarships.

Any individual or couple who has given of themselves in Christian service for a minimum of 10 years
- Pastors
- Associates
- Missionaries
- Chaplains
- Evangelists
- Lay leaders
- Christian educators
- University leaders & employees
Honorees may be nominated by one, or more than one individual, groups of individuals, Church boards or other organizations, all of whom will receive recognition in the donor portion of The Hall of Witnesses. Each nominee will have a short biography of their Christian service on the Touch Screen display.
- Name on the Hall of Witnesses
- Establishment of Named Endowed Ministerial Scholarship
- Plaque of Remembrance to Donor
- Certificate of Induction
- Name on the Hall of Witnesses
- Plaque of Remembrance to Donor
- Certificate of Induction
- Name on the Hall of Witnesses
- Certificate of Induction
Nominations for the current Class of Inductees into the Hall of Witnesses are now being accepted. You can print the brochure and mail it to the Office of University Relations address below or use our online nomination form. For more information contact the office below.
For more information contact:
The Office of University Advancement, 6729 NW 39th Expressway, Bethany OK 73008
Phone: 405.491.6311 | Email: vbell@parkviewhousebb.com
Rev. Dave & Mrs. Lois Alexander
Dr. James R. Blankenship
Dr. James L. Bond
Dr. A. K. Bracken
Rev. George Wilbur Brannon
Dr. Bill E. & Mrs. Janice J. Burch
Rev. Mary Lee Harris Cagle
Rev. Harold Carlisle
Rev. William E. Chandler
Rev. Kenneth & Mrs. Beverly Christoffersen
Miss Eunice Manita (Nita) Clegg
Rev. Herman F. & Mrs. Murl C. Crews
Rev. Nolan D. & Mrs. Velma Culbertson
Dr. Joe Dimas
Rev. George & Mrs. Lucille Dunnington
Rev. Sanders & Mrs. Anne Lee Tate Evans
Dr. Fred F. & Mrs. Octava Fike
Dr. C. William & Mrs. Marjorie Fisher
Dr. Delbert & Mrs. Carol Gish
Rev. John Haines
Rev. Harold C. Harcourt
Rev. F. Irwin Harris
Rev. John L. Harrison
Rev. Floyd Vernon Hodges
Dr. Raymond W. Hurn
Dr. J. Lewis Ingle
Dr. Orville W. Jenkins
Rev. Bob Huffaker
Rev. Bill R. Johnson
Dr. W. Talmadge & Mrs. Genell Johnson
Rev. Frank & Mrs. Gloria E. Kelley
Rev. Joseph L. Killgore
Dr. John A. Knight
Dr. John L. Knight
Rev. Sidney & Mrs. Wanda M. Knox
Dr. J.W. Lancaster
Dr. C. A. McConnell
Rev. Paul McGrady, Sr.
Dr. W. M. McGuire
Rev. E. Milo & Esther Martin
Rev. Austin T. & Mrs. Johnnie Moore
Dr. Forrest Wesley Nash
Dr. Stephen W. & Mrs. Christine Hardy Nease
Rev. Dal Newberry
Dr. Milton B. Parrish
Dr. C. William & Mrs. Juanita Porter
Rev. W.I. & Grace Poteet
Dr. Oscar F. Reed
Dr. Wanda Mae Rhodes
Rev. Olin Van Payton
Dr. Gene E. Phillips
Rev. James Robertson
Rev. Paul & Mrs. Lena Seymore
Dr. E. Boyd Shannon
Rev. Marjorie Sue (Susie) Shellenberger
Rev. Howard & Mrs. Janie Smith
Rev. Paul Milford Sodowsky
Rev. Marshall I. Stewart
Mr. Lenard & Mrs. Helen Stubbs
Dr. Carl & Mrs. Barbara Summer
Rev. Emory Orville Walden
Rev. Franklin Ward
Dr. Dean & Mrs. Roxie Moore Wessels
Rev. Bud White
Rev. B.J. (Ben) & Mrs. Maude Wilkins
Rev. Ron & Mrs. Sara Willard
Rev. Robert B. & Mrs. Lenora Williams
Rev. Clifton O. Wooldridge
Dr. Pal L. Wright
Mr. Harold A. Backer
Mr. Tom H. Brown
Rev. Aden & Mrs. Mildred Crager
Dr. Paul G. Cunningham
Rev. HM. Curtis, Jr.
Dr. James H. Diehl
Rev. William M. Dorough
Rev. John C. & Mrs. Eunice Fechner
Rev. Thomas Franklin Gilham, Sr.
Dr. Nina G. Gunter
Rev. Donald O. Hallam
Revs. Spurgeon & O. Fae Hendrix
Dr. Max T. & Mrs. Rebecca Jetton
Mrs. Justine Knight
Chap. Lt. Col. Shural G. & Mrs. Carolyn Knippers
Dr. Harrell C. Lucky
Dr. L. Glenn & Mrs. Phyllis McArthur
Rev. James R. Martin
Rev. C. Edward Nelson
Rev. Tilden O. Parsons
Rev. Lewis L. & Mrs. Violet Patterson
Rev. L. Wayne Sears
Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Madelyn Barnard
Miss Erliene Brunkau
Rev. & Mrs. Roy Darden
Rev. Agnes White Diffee
Dr. Ponder & Floy Gilliland
Dr. C. Paul Gray
Rev. Lee L. Hamric
Prof. Richard Howard
Mr. Melvin & Becky Walker Pierce
Dr. Justin Rice
Rev. Ken Rice
Rev. Scot & Jill Riggins
Rev. Terry Rohlmeier
Dr. Malcolm Shelton
Dr. Rob Staples
Mr. Phil White
Mrs. Erma Douglas
Dr. Lester & Mrs. Margaret Dunn
Rev. Harold L. Dunham
Dr. Jonathon Gassett
Dr. Russel & Ruth Human
Rev. H. Leroy Land
Rev. Ark Noel
Rev. Sam Stearman
Rev. Dallas Baggett
Mr. Bernie & Mrs. Paula (West) Brown
Dr. Halbert A. “Hal” Cauthron, Jr.
Rev. Wallace R. “Wally” Renegar
Dr. Charles D. Crow
Dr. Kenneth E. Crow
Mr. Richard F. Crow
Dr. Walter E. Crow
Rev. Eugene Leon Martin
Rev. George L. & Mrs. Grace (Nelsen) Mowry
Rev. A. Keith Sears
Mrs. Myra (Luginbyhl) Schubert
Rev. B. J. Slothower
Rev. Julia Standridge
Dr. David Busic
Dr. A Ray & Mrs. Claire (Phillips) Hendrix
Rev. Edward R. Houston, Jr.
Mr. Everett L. & Mrs. Mildred Martin
Mr. Robert L. & Mrs. Beverly (McAllister) Parker
Dr. Stan Toler
Rev. Lowell D. Churchill
Rev. Lonnie A. & Mrs. Christie Post Green
Dr. W.M. “Dub” & Mrs. Betty Blankenship Lynch
Dr. Bill M. Sullivan
Dr. Everett S. Phillips
Rev. Robert M. “Bud” & Mrs. Sue Meek Prentice
Rev. L Harold & Mrs. Doris Ray Blankenship
Dr. J Michael & Mrs. Cheryl Wallace Crabtree
Mrs. Elise Crouse
Mr. Bailey M. “B.M” Hall
Dr. Robert D. & Mrs. Rosa Luginbyhl McCroskey, Jr.
Rev. Larry & Mrs. Joyce Shepherd Schmidt
Rev. James O. & Mrs. Mildred Shepherd
Mr. Lauris R. & Mrs. Rhonda Shepherd
Mr. Roger P. & Mrs. Carol Hinze Shepherd
Rev. Richard “Dick” & Mrs. Ellen Sowder
Rev. James E. & Mrs. D. Kaye Tyrell Williams Jr.
Mr. Aaron L. “Spike” and Mrs. Ruby Watkins
Robert Worth
Edwin Crouse
H.C. & Arlene Rustin
Timothy A. Brown
Rev. James H. Robertson
Mrs. Opal Billings
Rev. Harold M. & Mrs. Shirley McKellips
Mr. Randy J. & Mrs. Cindy A. Overholt
Rev. Mark N. Patredis
Mrs. Jane E. Thompson
Dr. Tharon Daniels
Dr. Steve Green and Mrs. Elaine Green
Mrs. Janie (Smith) McPherson
Mr. Jack Thompson
Rev. Jerry Lee Harrison